April 2014 Rally

Dates: April 17-19, 2014

Location: Verona

Hosts: Gene and Judy Matthews and Karen Lohr

Campground: Shenandoah Valley

The kick off to the 2015 camping season was a smashing success! Ten coaches converged upon the Shenandoah Valley Camp Ground in Verona for a weekend of fun and frolic. Three of those coaches (J.D. and Pat Robb, Neal Strong and Debbie Robbins, and David and Ruby Crouch) were new members. WELCOME, WELCOME! Also attending were Feliza Jones, Karen and Janelle Lohr, Gene and Judith Matthews, Paul and Carol Melton, Timm and Sharon Seaman, Kamal and Deni Rojiani, and Dave and Evelyn Crabtree.

About half the rigs came in early on Thursday eager to begin the camping season. Gene and I played golf Friday at Heritage Oaks Golf course in Harrisonburg. What a beautiful course. We have golfers among our new members so it seems we may finally be able to have a complete foursome for future rounds.

A part of Friday and all day Saturday for some of us was a “work on the coach” session. The April Rally is typically a de-bugging and de-winterizing Rally and this year was no exception. That is one of the benefits of belonging to an FMCA Chapter. You always have help and plenty of advice and supervision! Others took advantage of the pretty weather to go Winery hopping and visit the Farmers Market in downtown Staunton.

Saturday night we enjoyed our first campfire of the season. The stories and tall tales were the same even if the fire was propane fed! Many thanks to Gene, Judy, Karen and Janelle for hosting the Rally. The food was outstanding and so was the weather. The campground worked out well, too. Our club had not camped there in about ten years so it was good to revisit it. And of course there are about a million tame rabbits running freely around the campground – they own the place!

Submitted by Dave and Evelyn Crabtree